Tuesday, November 06, 2007

On the mend...

**** WARNING ****
**** This post contains graphic photos of my fixed fingers! ****

So the surgery to fix my mangled digits went very well. They were able to do it with a type of anesthesia block to avoid the general anesthetic. And it looks like the pins will come out just before Thanksgiving (very good news for the Christmas decorating and baking)!!

2 bandaged fingers 1 week after surgery!

The white balls are the pins sticking out of the middle and ring fingers on my right hand. And here is another view of the same thing...

As you may remember from the last post, I actually broke three fingers, but the pictures only show pins in two of them. In the pics above, you can kind of see the bandages from the broken finger on the OTHER hand. Yes - I broke fingers on both hands. Yes - it sucks!

But I'm on the mend and will get the hardware out of my hand soon!