Just when you think that things will settle into a routine (ha!) - somebody tips over the apple cart. This time - just as school starts and my free time disappears - the 25 year old son of my roommate needs a place to stay in a hurry. Well - I guess that means us because he's now sleeping on my couch, eating my cereal, and worst of all - hogging my dog! I suppose to be fair I should say that the dog was his first, before he moved out of his mom's house and she moved in with me. But I'm used to the dog, I love the dog, and now I'm cast off like a dirty t-shirt (many of which I'm seeing these days).
I think my biggest problem with the whole thing is that I listened to his mom complain about him for 2 years - before we ever lived in the same house. He wastes what little money he makes and then expects others to help him keep his cell phone on, pay his bills, etc. He won't get a second job because "I like my life fine". He never finished high school. And for 2 years he lived with his mom or dad and wouldn't get a job. Of course, his mom can't (and shouldn't) have to worry about him living on the street. But how hard can I push to get his rear end off my couch?
For now, call me Missing My Dog.