Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bon Jovi - Again

I know I've been lacking in the blogging department. To catch you up, here is what's happened since my last post...

-the pins came out of my fingers just before Thanksgiving YIPPEE!
-my birthday came and went, it was nicely uneventful.
-Christmas came and went, it was lovely.
-New Year's came and went, it was quiet.
-The superbowl came and went, it was an exciting game!
-Valentine's Day came and went, it was just another day.

Finally - we get to February 18th. I've been waiting for this day since November 9th when we bought tickets. So back in early November, we found out that Bon Jovi was using Omaha as the kickoff for the Lost Highway tour in North America! They had done some special shows in New Jersey last year and then went to Europe, but Omaha was going to be their first concert date back from overseas. WOW - Omaha? Really? How lucky could we get?

You might remember that we saw them last summer at an outdoor concert in Cheyenne, Wy. It was a great show, and we enjoyed ourselves a ton. But this was going to be better. I counted down the days.

FINALLY - the day had arrived. There are no words that can adequately describe the energy of the show I saw. I will say that the images that play in my head everytime I hear a song by Bon Jovi will forever be changed by what I saw. Here is a link to what the Omaha World Herald had to say the next day and I couldn't agree more!

Today when I arrived at work, a coworker sent me this video that a friend of hers took that night. To put it in context, the stage was at one end of the arena and at one point Jon Bon Jovi sang from a small platform about midway back and against the opposite side from where I was sitting. I know how sexy he was from where I was sitting, and now I know (thanks Stacy) how great he looks up close and very personal. ENJOY!

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