Photography has been a hobby of mine for several years now. And I keep promising myself that I will take a class at some point to learn more about my camera(s), lighting, scene setting, etc - but that hasn't happened yet.
I did however, submit a photo to a contest and here is a link to a page where you can rate my picture and maybe help me win. If you would be kind enough to pass the page along to all of your friends/family/coworkers/acquaintances so they can also rate my picture of the Grand Canyon, I'd be grateful.
Thanks everybody!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Bon Jovi - Again
I know I've been lacking in the blogging department. To catch you up, here is what's happened since my last post...
-the pins came out of my fingers just before Thanksgiving YIPPEE!
-my birthday came and went, it was nicely uneventful.
-Christmas came and went, it was lovely.
-New Year's came and went, it was quiet.
-The superbowl came and went, it was an exciting game!
-Valentine's Day came and went, it was just another day.
Finally - we get to February 18th. I've been waiting for this day since November 9th when we bought tickets. So back in early November, we found out that Bon Jovi was using Omaha as the kickoff for the Lost Highway tour in North America! They had done some special shows in New Jersey last year and then went to Europe, but Omaha was going to be their first concert date back from overseas. WOW - Omaha? Really? How lucky could we get?
You might remember that we saw them last summer at an outdoor concert in Cheyenne, Wy. It was a great show, and we enjoyed ourselves a ton. But this was going to be better. I counted down the days.
FINALLY - the day had arrived. There are no words that can adequately describe the energy of the show I saw. I will say that the images that play in my head everytime I hear a song by Bon Jovi will forever be changed by what I saw. Here is a link to what the Omaha World Herald had to say the next day and I couldn't agree more!
Today when I arrived at work, a coworker sent me this video that a friend of hers took that night. To put it in context, the stage was at one end of the arena and at one point Jon Bon Jovi sang from a small platform about midway back and against the opposite side from where I was sitting. I know how sexy he was from where I was sitting, and now I know (thanks Stacy) how great he looks up close and very personal. ENJOY!
-the pins came out of my fingers just before Thanksgiving YIPPEE!
-my birthday came and went, it was nicely uneventful.
-Christmas came and went, it was lovely.
-New Year's came and went, it was quiet.
-The superbowl came and went, it was an exciting game!
-Valentine's Day came and went, it was just another day.
Finally - we get to February 18th. I've been waiting for this day since November 9th when we bought tickets. So back in early November, we found out that Bon Jovi was using Omaha as the kickoff for the Lost Highway tour in North America! They had done some special shows in New Jersey last year and then went to Europe, but Omaha was going to be their first concert date back from overseas. WOW - Omaha? Really? How lucky could we get?
You might remember that we saw them last summer at an outdoor concert in Cheyenne, Wy. It was a great show, and we enjoyed ourselves a ton. But this was going to be better. I counted down the days.
FINALLY - the day had arrived. There are no words that can adequately describe the energy of the show I saw. I will say that the images that play in my head everytime I hear a song by Bon Jovi will forever be changed by what I saw. Here is a link to what the Omaha World Herald had to say the next day and I couldn't agree more!
Today when I arrived at work, a coworker sent me this video that a friend of hers took that night. To put it in context, the stage was at one end of the arena and at one point Jon Bon Jovi sang from a small platform about midway back and against the opposite side from where I was sitting. I know how sexy he was from where I was sitting, and now I know (thanks Stacy) how great he looks up close and very personal. ENJOY!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
On the mend...
**** WARNING ****
**** This post contains graphic photos of my fixed fingers! ****
So the surgery to fix my mangled digits went very well. They were able to do it with a type of anesthesia block to avoid the general anesthetic. And it looks like the pins will come out just before Thanksgiving (very good news for the Christmas decorating and baking)!!
2 bandaged fingers 1 week after surgery!
But I'm on the mend and will get the hardware out of my hand soon!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Zip line 1, Ruth 0!
At one point this last weekend I seemed to think that I was 12 years old. I'm not certain what it was that made me think this, but let me just say that I most definitely am NOT 12!
As if I needed certain proof of this, my attempt to use a zip line (a silly contraption that you hang from and zip from one platform to another) last Saturday gave me just such proof. The attempt, which started with me uttering the phrase "Here - let me show you how it's done" - certainly words that belong to the mouth & brain of a 12 year old, ended with three broken fingers and my needing surgery next week to put pins in two fingers of the right hand (of course I'm right-handed).
So my days of hunt and peck on the keyboard begin, and the blogs may be few & far between for a couple months.
Zip Line 1 - Ruth 0
As if I needed certain proof of this, my attempt to use a zip line (a silly contraption that you hang from and zip from one platform to another) last Saturday gave me just such proof. The attempt, which started with me uttering the phrase "Here - let me show you how it's done" - certainly words that belong to the mouth & brain of a 12 year old, ended with three broken fingers and my needing surgery next week to put pins in two fingers of the right hand (of course I'm right-handed).
So my days of hunt and peck on the keyboard begin, and the blogs may be few & far between for a couple months.
Zip Line 1 - Ruth 0
Friday, October 05, 2007
I was recently on a trip to Washington DC with a friend to do some sightseeing and shopping (Can I just say that I LOVE outlet malls?). It's not unusual for my office to call me at least once when I'm out of town. So when my cell phone rang on a Monday morning in Williamsburg, VA - I wasn't terribly shocked.
First - a little background. My office is in the middle of a HUMONGOUS remodel. Since we are using the office during the remodel - there have been many days where I move equipment out of a space in the evening so that remodeling work can be accomplished; and then move it back in the following morning so that we can see patients.
However, when my boss asked me if I'd moved any computers before I left (the Thursday before) - I was a little confused. The places she asked about had all of the remodeling work finished several weeks ago. So I told her I hadn't moved any, that they would have had to have been used on Friday (after I left) - but to check with a couple other people to see if they had moved the computers.
Unfortunately, the next call I got about 2 hours later confirmed the worst. The office had been burgled (is that a word?)! Sometime over the weekend, someone walked out with several computers, flat screen monitors, and miscellaneous other equipment. And it gets worse... I get a phone call later that afternoon after it is discovered that my laptop computer and my personal external hard drive have also been stolen.
I'm speechless. I honestly don't know what to say to my boss. My mouth won't work - and my brain is going 150 miles a minute. My pictures... My music.... My sense of security... all gone. And the worst part is, I'm 1/2 a country away and can't DO anything. Not that I could do anything if I were there, after all - the stuff is gone. The police don't even come to the office to take a report so what chance is there that I'll see any of that stuff ever again? None. Zilch. Nada.
Two hours after that, my brain kicks into rescue mode - I call my boss and tell her to call some computer experts (besides me - I'm too close to the situation) and tell them what happened and what we think may be compromised - and then ask them what to do. I tell her to inactivate my account and a couple others. I tell her what I can remember is on the laptop and external hard drive and there is nothing to compromise patient privacy so we dodged a big problem there.
We've since discovered more things that were taken that weekend. And we know it happened while construction crews were in the building (although there is no indication that they did it). But they were in the building when it happened and probably weren't as careful about locking up and closing doors as I would have been.
Now - its almost three weeks later and I have a little perspective. I have a new laptop - nicer than the old one. I have a new backup hard drive - bigger than the old one. iTunes lets me transfer purchases to a new machine. I've found copies of lots of pictures that were uploaded to photo sharing websites, burned to CD for mom, copied to a memory stick for a digital photo frame, still on my memory card - so its not the disaster I first imagined.
I'm sad that I no longer feel safe alone in the office at night or on the weekend. I'm sad that I find myself suspicious about co-workers I don't know very well. I'm sad that someone has something important to me - and they don't care what I've lost. I'm sad I was robbed.
First - a little background. My office is in the middle of a HUMONGOUS remodel. Since we are using the office during the remodel - there have been many days where I move equipment out of a space in the evening so that remodeling work can be accomplished; and then move it back in the following morning so that we can see patients.
However, when my boss asked me if I'd moved any computers before I left (the Thursday before) - I was a little confused. The places she asked about had all of the remodeling work finished several weeks ago. So I told her I hadn't moved any, that they would have had to have been used on Friday (after I left) - but to check with a couple other people to see if they had moved the computers.
Unfortunately, the next call I got about 2 hours later confirmed the worst. The office had been burgled (is that a word?)! Sometime over the weekend, someone walked out with several computers, flat screen monitors, and miscellaneous other equipment. And it gets worse... I get a phone call later that afternoon after it is discovered that my laptop computer and my personal external hard drive have also been stolen.
I'm speechless. I honestly don't know what to say to my boss. My mouth won't work - and my brain is going 150 miles a minute. My pictures... My music.... My sense of security... all gone. And the worst part is, I'm 1/2 a country away and can't DO anything. Not that I could do anything if I were there, after all - the stuff is gone. The police don't even come to the office to take a report so what chance is there that I'll see any of that stuff ever again? None. Zilch. Nada.
Two hours after that, my brain kicks into rescue mode - I call my boss and tell her to call some computer experts (besides me - I'm too close to the situation) and tell them what happened and what we think may be compromised - and then ask them what to do. I tell her to inactivate my account and a couple others. I tell her what I can remember is on the laptop and external hard drive and there is nothing to compromise patient privacy so we dodged a big problem there.
We've since discovered more things that were taken that weekend. And we know it happened while construction crews were in the building (although there is no indication that they did it). But they were in the building when it happened and probably weren't as careful about locking up and closing doors as I would have been.
Now - its almost three weeks later and I have a little perspective. I have a new laptop - nicer than the old one. I have a new backup hard drive - bigger than the old one. iTunes lets me transfer purchases to a new machine. I've found copies of lots of pictures that were uploaded to photo sharing websites, burned to CD for mom, copied to a memory stick for a digital photo frame, still on my memory card - so its not the disaster I first imagined.
I'm sad that I no longer feel safe alone in the office at night or on the weekend. I'm sad that I find myself suspicious about co-workers I don't know very well. I'm sad that someone has something important to me - and they don't care what I've lost. I'm sad I was robbed.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
20 years?!?!?!
7304 Days (give or take a leap year here or there)
1040 Weeks
2 Decades
1/5 Century
In other words, a REALLY, REALLY long time since I graduated from high school! It doesn't seem possible, after all I just graduated from college. OK - so this was the third college graduation , but it can't REALLY be twenty years - CAN IT?
Much to my shock, dismay, and much denial... it has indeed been that long since I walked the halls of Omaha North High School. You know what that means, right? Yep - the 20 year high school reunion.
It was great to see my friends and hear all about their families; siblings I knew-spouses & children I didn't. It was fun re-living the geeky band trips, interesting finding out "whatever happened to...", and sad to learn that some of my classmates and teachers have passed away.
Our reunion committee did such a fantastic job of planning and executing a wonderful reunion weekend for everyone and I told each one of them this several times during the weekend of events.
1040 Weeks
2 Decades
1/5 Century
In other words, a REALLY, REALLY long time since I graduated from high school! It doesn't seem possible, after all I just graduated from college. OK - so this was the third college graduation , but it can't REALLY be twenty years - CAN IT?
Much to my shock, dismay, and much denial... it has indeed been that long since I walked the halls of Omaha North High School. You know what that means, right? Yep - the 20 year high school reunion.
It was great to see my friends and hear all about their families; siblings I knew-spouses & children I didn't. It was fun re-living the geeky band trips, interesting finding out "whatever happened to...", and sad to learn that some of my classmates and teachers have passed away.
Our reunion committee did such a fantastic job of planning and executing a wonderful reunion weekend for everyone and I told each one of them this several times during the weekend of events.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Road Trip 2007
Another road trip come and gone. Our travels this year included the Bon Jovi concert at Cheyenne Frontier Days, many hours in Yellowstone National Park, 5+ days at my brother Dave's ranch, and then the two day trip home. The two big highlights of the trip were Bon Jovi (great show and yummy eye candy) and being at the birth of Paprika, Flicka's new foal at the ranch. I've included some pictures below of our trip:
Flicka's new baby, just minutes after birth!
Trying to stand up - about an hour old
First time out - about 30 hours old!
First run with mom.
It was a great trip, we love the mountains and even enjoy the drive (at least during daylight hours). Can't wait until our next visit to the ranch!
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