I spent this last weekend in Branson, MO with three of my cousins from Kansas. When Amy mentioned something about it a month ago, I couldn't see my way past the homework to get away. Then I took a good look at the calendar, and it turns out that the weekend they wanted to go was just after a big project and just before fall break. Timing couldn't have been better and I thought the time away would do me good. Plus there were three bonuses in it for me!
Bonus #1: The opportunity to shop at the Hallmark Discount store at the Hallmark factory (two of the three cousins work part time for Hallmark). You never know what you'll find there - but there's always something fun or useful. And it's all 75% less than regular price. I got cards, wrapping paper/gift bags, stocking stuffers, picture frames, and a few Birthday and Christmas presents!
Bonus #2: The meal stop I knew we'd make on the way at
Lamberts Cafe near Springfield, MO - unbelievable food, great prices, and a little entertainment as hot dinner rolls fly across the room. I ordered the pork chops, with sides of sliced peaches and cottage cheese. Plus every meal comes with "Pass-arounds", which are brought around by restaurant staff in huge bowls and pots. The standard pass-arounds are fried okra, fried potatoes w/onions, black-eyed peas, or macaroni w/tomatoes. My plate was actually an entire skillet holding two massive pork chops and my sides. The waitress reminded us as she set our food down that we could have seconds if we wanted. Yes, that's right - if by some miracle you are still hungry after all that, you can get more of your entree - for free! My meal was about $11. (FYI - be prepared to wait at least an hour for a table as busses often stop there)
Bonus #3: Right behind the restaurant is a branch of the
Osceola Cheese Factory where you can sample more kinds of cheese than you ever imagined. Plus, there's not much better than fresh cheese. I sampled and shopped while we waited for our table at Lamberts and walked out with several pounds of different cheeses - like fresh smoked string cheese, white sharp cheddar, mild gouda, garlic jack, and more. Cheese is one of my favorite foods and when I can get the good stuff, I stock up!
Then there's the destination. If you've never been to Branson, it's a combination of Nashville and Las Vegas. The lights on the strip could rival that of most any casino, and there are theatres and shows from one end to the other. The reason I go, the reason we went this last weekend, and the real gem of Branson is the shopping.
Yes there are the usual tourist trap shops along the strip that advertise t-shirts 3/$10 and Homemade Fudge, but this isn't our focus. Our focus is on the three outlet malls - outlets for Old Navy, Tommy, Jockey, Disney, Oneida, Pfaltzgraff, and MANY, MANY more. I actually got most of my Christmas shopping done, found an ornament set for my ornament exchange party (I'll post on that closer to the party), got two fancy tops for the upcoming cruise (more on that later also), and some things for the house.
It was a very successful trip and a whole lot of fun with my cousins. I think it should be an annual event!